🌿While our market is primarily for Vegans, giving them somewhere to shop with peace of mind about their purchases, we also aim to peacefully educate others about Veganism and how it’s not just a diet but a lifestyle, that’s why you see lots of art and jewellery and gift type products at our events, although the makers of these products don’t always set out to create them Vegan, lots of them accidentally are and we love that! Our events are for Vegans, conscious minds and anyone who wants to support small business.

🌿We are also always sure to have the tastiest food at our events because we are all tired of the, “what do you even eat?” comments. Tasty, nutritious food, that’s what!

🌿We are also very big on sustainability, we try to avoid as much single use plastic and waste as possible. One of the initiatives we brought in to aid in this is our mug library. If you’re staying at the event for a while, or at least for the duration of your coffee, you can ask our beautiful baristas for a mug that you can borrow and return once empty to one of the designated trays. At our last event, 55% of patrons chose this option, we want to increase this figure at every event. Both us and the planet will thank you. We will also be introducing recycling bins at our next event so please ensure to sort your waste where possible! ♻️
We are always looking into how we can introduce more initiatives like this in the future. Our dream is to be a completely zero waste event!

🌿Our main goal is non-harming, this is what we take most out of our Veganism definition and lifestyle, non-harmful to animals, the planet and our peers.

Join us at our next event on October 1st